Safety Matters
AARC: Your Guide to Work Health and Safety, OVA, School Lockdown, First Aid notification, and Duress-Panic buttons.

Here, we will discuss the various issues that concern our workplace, community and school safety and security.
Articles to follow include the following topics:
- How to improve safety in the workplace.
- How to improve safety in schools.
- How to improve safety at mosques, churches, synagogues and other places of worship?
- The types of duress/panic buttons explained.
- The advantages of adding voice messages to your alert system.
- Integrating Evacuation, Lockdown, Duress, and First Aid assist all into one simple to understand, system.
- Evacuation Procedures.
- Lockdown Procedures.
- How to conduct orderly evacuation drills.
- How to conduct orderly lockdown drills.
- When and how to use a covert panic/duress alarm system.
- How to improve first aid response times in a factory.
Stay tuned for more articles, tips and relevant links.
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Posted by Glenn Howlett
Category: General Information
March 20, 2019
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